Dock Information and Overview
Ship agents and other companies requesting berth at the port facilities should use the forms below for making applications and vessel security declarations. Inward/outward cargo berth for the General Cargo Docks, Grain Elevator, Apex Oil Terminal, Mid-stream Buoys, anchorages within the Baton Rouge Harbor, and any other facility, Mid-stream Facility or anchorage not mentioned herein that is within the jurisdiction of the Greater Baton Rouge Port Commission.
Berth Assignment/Vessel Report
Berth Assignment Request
A Berth Assignment Request form must be used by vessels and barges for requesting inward/outward cargo berthing at the General Cargo Docks, Grain Elevator, Center Point Terminal, Mid-stream Buoy System, anchorages and any other facilities within the Baton Rouge Harbor. This form must be received by the port within 96 hours of vessel arrival.
Please complete the form below and fax to 225.342.1666 or email to
To print Berth Assignment Request Form - click here.
Vessel Report
Vessels, their owners, or ship agents must submit a Vessel Report within five working days after the vessel sails from the Port of Greater Baton Rouge.
Please complete the form below and fax to 225.342.1666 or email to
To print Vessel Report Form - click here.