Facilities Overview
The Port of Greater Baton Rouge is known for a full menu of maritime services and outstanding facilities. From a deepwater complex on the Mississippi River that accommodates ocean-going vessels to the Inland Rivers Marine Terminal located off the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, the Port of Greater Baton Rouge has the facilities to handle your cargo.
Deepwater Docks
Export Grain Elevator
Louis Dreyfus Commodities, LLC
Liquid Bulk Terminals
John W. Stone Oil Distributor
Center Point Terminal Company
BWC Terminals
Dry Bulk Terminals
Drax Biomass International
Pine Bluff Sand and Gravel Co.
Louisiana Sugar Cane Products, Inc.
Watco Companies
Midstream Buoys & Anchorage
Agway Systems, Inc.
Jacobson Companies
Katoen Natie, USA
Wilson Warehouse
Inland Rivers Terminal
Continental Cement Company
Katoen Natie, USA
Seacor AMH, LLC
Stupp Coatings, LLC
Additional Facilities
Ardent Mills
Community Coffee Roasting Plant