Business with the Port

At the Port of Greater Baton Rouge, we understand the importance of transportation options. It's good for economic development and most importantly, it's good for you - the customer. The Port of Greater Baton Rouge has a diverse menu of shipping options and a reputation for outstanding service.  Throw a shipping challenge at us or give us a unique situation, and we respond with, "We can handle that!"

You'll find our experienced business development staff to be your greatest ally. That's because we want your product to ship on time, safe and secure, every time. Our commitment to excellent customer service has earned us high marks for productivity and damage-free handling of cargo.

Project cargo, plastics, containers, sugar, forest products, biomass, steel, ores, grains, petroleum, specialty chemicals, and molasses are just a few of the products that move through the Port of Greater Baton Rouge. 

Companies Located at the Port 

Contact Greg Johnson
Deputy Director
225.342.1660, ext 1209